Thursday, August 24, 2023

So much for the 10 year plan

Today marks Kath and I being married for 10 years! It has been an incredible time, we've moved house had a child, and had so many adventures together.

Time has really flown I can still remember the day so vividly, so many of our friends from the UK travelled with us to Bialystok. Being married at the town hall then partying until the small hours at Folwark nadawki. It must have been good because Kath's sister chose the same venue.

Getting married to her was the best decision of my life, and I can't wait to see what the next 10 years bring.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Welsh rarebit

Today we headed to Plas yn Rhiw a national trust maintained Manor House and garden. Located on the hillside is that spectacular views out to the sea. Its a bit out of the way down some narrow siding roads I was a bit sceptical however it turned out to be a really lovely visit. While small by national trust standards is perfectly formed, the grand was a joy to walk round and the views were well worth the trip. The cafe is particularly stand out too we enjoyed a coffee and cake there. 

There is also a free EV charger in the accessible parking section.

After the house we headed to Aberdaron for lunch. Eating at a cafe inside a building which dates to 1300 we then had a stroll around the beach. The tide was coming in and Thom enjoyed running from the waves. I skipped stones into the water and enjoyed the views.

It was sunny while we were on the beach but then the weather changed quickly so we headed home early with rain lashing down! This evening we decided to have a quite one and got ourselves a chippy tea from a place in Pwllheli

Aviation museum


Yesterday we visited the Airworld Aviation Museum

Thom loved it!It is one of the very few museums where you can actually get into the exhibits. We sat in a Vampire and a helicopter, Thom wanted to 'blast off' and advised us to 'hold on tight!'. 

There are both aircraft and memorabilia there, with a bits from both world wars, and a section about the royal observer corps. Plus some search and rescue as that is based next door.

The place hasn't really changed since the last time we were there (2010), the modern simulator is powered by sun Sparc station 40, I used to run a second hand Sun ultras-arc 50 in 2008! Nevertheless I would recommend it! It is a really interesting place right next door to Caernarfon airfield where the air ambulance and mountain rescue are based.

In the afternoon, as the weather was very changeable,  we headed for a walk around the beach Morfa and Nant Bach beach. This was a new one for me, the beach was small and stony. It mostly serves as a harbour. There used to be a massive granite quarry nearby and there are signs of this with the remnants of large excavations visible. We saw a lot of half eaten crabs so the seagulls must have been busy. There were also plenty of boats anchored. There was a lovely view from the end of pier, took a panoramic photo. Thom wanted to be a tall giraffe and be carried around on my shoulders all way back to the car!

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Sea Zoo


Today we visited Anglesey sea zoo. It’s got a decent range of fish, crustaceans and other ocean creatures from around the British Isles. Thom was a big fan of the lobsters and the small sharks. They even have a breeding program for sharks and you could see the fledgling sharks inside the eggs (video below).

My favourite bit though is near the end of the zoo, where there is an elevated platform over a large tank housing sharks and rays. You walk above them on a grated walkway as they swim around the tank.

Last time I visited the sea zoo was for Kath's birthday back in 2010. Quite a different energy visiting with a toddler. 

If you buy a ticket it gives open entry for 6 days, so we are hoping to get in a return visit. There is also a free EV charger outside unfortunately it was out of action while we were there.

We have headed to North Wales for a break away. Kath found a lovely converted barn about 10 minutes from Pwllheli on Airbnb. The views are the farmers fields complete with grazing sheep, Thom loved watching them and was admiring all the farm machinery too.

The place is done out to a really high specification with an open kitchen dining, and living area. With an outside area for warmer days. There are two bedrooms one of which is ensuite and a bathroom at the back. It's scrupulously clean and very well thought through space.

This was the out longest trip in the Polestar 2 since we bought it. The Airbnb has a charger we can use and on arrival we had used 60% of the charge so it worked well. Had we have gone to south Wales it would have required a stop to charge on route but so would we so far electric is proving no problem to live with.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Stadia is dead

Yesterday was the closedown for Google Stadia. I bought one a couple of years ago to play Cyberpunk. I hoped it would be a cool way to avoid paying big for the new Xbox (though I ended up getting a PS5). They promised that you could game anywhere with an internet connection. to be honest it never really lived up to my expectations.  There was too much lag on my ADSL 60MB. I could never use ultra mode so it wasn't worth paying a subscription for and the games library was woeful. The writing was on the wall when they fired the in house game developers, so I wasn't surprised when they announced the service would be closing.

To be fair to google they did it the right way, I got a refund for the games I bought and they have released an update to allow the controller to be used over bluetooth. Still its yet another service killed by google, must be hard for 3rd parties to trust anything new they do in case the plug is pulled later on.

Mis shapes

I'm sat listening to music from the 1990's, specifically at the moment Pulp. Why is this significant? When I was a child it seemed like all the adults were locked into the music from the 1960's. Maybe we relate most to the way the things from our youth made us feel, or its just hard to try new things. I guess when Thom is my age he will be listening to music from 2030 whatever that will be.