Yesterday was Enlgands first game in the world cup, given I have never been much of a football fan so Phil and I took the opportunity to go shopping whilst everyone watching the football. I bought myself a new pair of shoes, and the book Kelly recommended (Stephen Kings Dark tower starting with volume two). At least Ill know what she is talking about the gunslinger now... I also bought a C# cookbook to try and get back on top of the apr calculations for work.
It was such a beautful day so sunny and the sky was blue walking aroun the deserted steets of Stockport feeling the breeze I felt like I was in Cairns again, it seems like a distant memory now, Id love to go travelling again.
Didnt go out last night spent enough money shopping, Instead stayed at home watched a couple of filmes the excellent garden state and the not so excellent oceans 12.
I seem to spend a lot of time worrying about money these days dispite improving my income from the dark days of unemployment on return from Australia I still seem to be struggling to keep m head above water, my dreams of my own place seem as far away as ever which is very troubling as getting along with my parents is getting more and more difficult.