Today was a bad bad day at work, after a very stressful period working on the workflow project the end was finally in sight the last major update was to go live today. It did, I was also asked to put some work of Mikes live, it didnt work :S Basically there was another older mod hiding in the code and and it went live everything fail the call centre was titups oh dear. To be honest recently I have really been pushed to the limit by the demands on my time and abilities I am suppose to be a trainee not in charge of a site the size of Freedom, I dont think I have felt so pressureed before its not a good feeling. Martin is apparently going to be in tommorrow so hopfully I can vent some of my frustration.
This evening I went round to Martin Gs house to play with Myth, finally got to grips with LVM, managed to make the Nvidia card do TV output and even got the remote control working. I think I understand a lot of things better now, hopefully some time in the future I will put some sort of guide or link to all the various guides we hav used in getting it all working.