Sunday, September 01, 2024

Bluey and Pottery

We went for a day out to Brookside pottery who were doing a Blue themed day where the kids got the meet a costumed Bluey. We were joined by Fiona, Tom and Daisy.

The kids got to choose a pot to paint, Thom chose an aeroplane and Daisy a triceratops.

After the pottery painting we went for a ride on the train, then there was an old school fun fair so we also had a ride on some of the attractions. Thom and Daisy loved it Tom not so much.

After the usual period of warming up to each other Thom and Daisy are really nice together. They did some really good sharing and had a hug when saying goodbye.


Monday, August 26, 2024

Down in a hole
Just returned from a short break in Llandudno Wales. We have a lovely time, took the tram up the great Orme. Visited the mines there, I had no idea that North Wales was a centra of copper extraction 400 years ago!

On Saturday we drove across stopping to have a look round the mountain Zoo. It's been a long time since we were here and it's improved a lot. The Snow leopard enclosure is much improved as have most of the facilities. There is an excellent play park there Thom enjoyed messing around seemingly as much as seeing the 

We hired a small airbnb flat, its location was perfect a short walk to the pier and the lower tram station. After arriving we had a play on the beach then a walk down the pier and a go on the ferris wheel there. Thom enjoyed going round.

The weather wasn't as good Sunday. I managed to get a run in then we headed up the tram first getting off halfway to access the mine. They were discovered in 1980's while trying to build a car park, it totally changed what people thought of pre Roman Briton. Here was a sophisticated Bronze Age people carving out miles of tunnels and trading tin with Cornwall, 200 years before the Romans arrived, incredible. 

On Monday we headed to Baumaris castle, the best unfinished castle! You can walk around a lot of the walls and there were some reenactments and fancy dress. Even a model of the castle which the kids can play with, great fun.

Monday, April 22, 2024

TCS London marathon 2024 Medal Engraving

My watch warning me I was tired!
This morning I felt very sore but manage to drag myself out of bed early so that I could go and get my medal engraved at the New Balance store on Oxford road. The escalator at St Pauls didn't work going down so I had to make a painful and slow decent my quads were really hell! I made it to join the queue just after 9. I met a couple of ladies from Chicago in the queue. They were telling me that London was better than Chicago marathon in terms of the support. We were all handed a free New Balance branded water bottle while we queued, it took around an hour but the actual engraving was super quick.

Thom and Kath checked out after me and we met up at a coffee shop afterwards (they even brought me a coffee while I was waiting in line). Then it was off back home on the train.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

TCS London Marathon 2024

Today was the day after a heck of a lot of training including around 900 miles of running, today was the London Marathon.

I headed out the apartment this morning to catch the DLR from Bank to Greenwich park. My wave was RED 11 so quite near to the end of the runners, I needed to get to the start around 10 for an 11 am start.

The DLR was super busy, there were huge queues as Canary Wharf I was glad to have gotten on earlier. Arriving at Greenwich there was a walk to the park then get to the pens in time for the start of the race.

I was talking to an American lady in the pen. She was just completing her abbot six stars, very exciting.

I started the race around 11:08, following the 4:30 pacer up until about half way then dropping back to the 4:45 pacer unto around mile 20. Going over tower bridge just before the halfway point was incredible, such an iconic scene and so many people. The race carried. won snacking around the docklands. My legs were feeling really tired by this point and my pace dropped. By mile 24 I was feeling very tired but the crowd was still huge. Kath and Thom saw me but I missed them.

The end of the marathon takes you down the mall towards Buckingham Palace, finishing just afterwards. I was exhausted but I made it in just a smidge under 5 hours, 4:57:37. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Land is inhospitable and so are we

Today Kath Thom and I headed to London on the train so that I could pick my number up for the London Marathon tomorrow. Kate P's brother was also running and as luck would have it our trains arrived at Euston at almost the same time so we have a quick chance to meet up and wish each other luck. Then we headed from Euston to the marathon show in the ExCel centre. It was very busy with lots of runner collecting their numbers and there was a big property investment show in the hall next door. People in suits meeting people in running gear.

The number collection was actually very well organised I only had to queue for a few minutes before getting my number and a bag for the drop off.

We had a wonder around the stalls, Thom loved the music and lights at the main sponsor new Balance. I bought myself a new hoody there. I managed to find my name on the marathon wall and we cruised around signing up for various promotions. I also collected my free T-Shirt.

Feeling a bit tired we headed to the apartment we rented at the Kings Wardrobe near to St Pauls cathedral. The apartment had two rooms a small kitchen and a living area it was actually really lovely and we were all pleased. Settling in for an evening of carb loading via Pizza Express.