Friday, November 21, 2008

Being Boring

I had the day off but that failed to stop the phone calls and email, I wish they would leave me alone. Today I worked on an affordability calculator, that is a system that works out how much you can afford to pay. I tried my best however increasingly I feel that is not good enough. Which is of course untrue I try as hard, and I am at least as smart as any of the people I work with, the truth is of course I have failed to find a way to market myself.

A long time ago when I was younger and more impressionable it would be almost unthinkable to be home on a Friday night. When did I make the transition from youthful exuberance to conservative (little c). Phil and I went to the unicorn and I couldn't help thinking how many time have I been here, yet I don't fit in, but what else should I do, go out somewhere? I feel a tired and bored right now, I logged into gmail (sorry google mail) and found that they have introduced backdrops to the email system, I choose a beautiful beach scene to remind me there is more to life than rainy Manchester, middling income and mediocrity.

There are only 368 days left until I am thirty, a very scary age, when you can no longer consider yourself youthful. Yet I still find it strange when people call me a man, because I still think I am young.

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